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Java Profiler, Use of javap Tool Options

The javap tool is a Java profiler tool available in bin folder of the installed JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin). The javap command displays information about the fields, constructors, methods, parameters, blocks, and thrown exceptions present in a class file.


javap fully_qualified_class_or_interface_name

Note: If you did not use any options then the javap tool will not show the private members of the class.


D:\> javap java.lang.Object


D:\topperskills\examples> javap MyClass

Note: The javap tool uses the compiled .class file and not the .java source file, therefore you must compile a source file to use javap tool.

List of javap tool options

Option Description
-help Displays a help message for the javap tool.
-public Shows only the public classes and members.
-protected Shows only the public and protected classes and members.
-private Shows all classes and members.
-package Shows the package, protected, and public classes and members. This is the default option of the javap tool.
-classpath Specifies the class path that javap should use to locate the class file to disassemble.
-sysinfo shows system info (path, size, date, MD5 hash)
-verbose Prints stack size, number of locals and args for methods
-version Prints out the javap version string
-c disassembles the code
-l prints line number and local variable

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