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Comparison | Difference Between Java and Javascript | Java vs Javascript

There is no relationship between the Java and Javascript even they both have “java” in their name. The Java is multipurpose, Object Oriented Programming Language developed by a team of Games Gosling at Sun Microsystems.

Javascript is a scripting language developed by Netscape Inc. The java was becoming so popular in short time, then Netscape decided to use “JAVA” in the name of their new scripting language as Javascript after the Java.

Below in comparison table are listed some differences between Java and Javascript.

Parameter Java Javascript
Inventor Sun Microsystems Netscape Inc.
Usage Used to create desktop, applets, mobile applications. Used to validate the user input inside the HTML documents.
Runtime Executes in JRE. Executes in the browsers.
Type Programming Language. Scripting language.
Object Oriented Object Oriented. Object Based or Object Oriented Scripting Language, because does not have inheritance.
Compilation Needs to be compiled. Does not require compilation.
Typed Statistically types, means variable type is declared at the time of compilation. Dynamically typed, means variables are declared with var keyword; therefore it can hold any type of value.
Platform Independent Java uses byte code to achieve platform independent property. Javascript code is not platform independent, means same code may not run on all the browsers.
Access Modifiers Java has access modifiers to set the scope of the components. Javascript does not have access modifiers.

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