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Comparison | Difference Between Java and C++ | Java vs C++

The Java and C++ both are Object Oriented programming languages, but still there are some differences between the Java and C++. A comparison table is given below with some important difference between C++ and Java.

Parameter Java C++
Platform Independent Java is platform independent and architecture neutral. Platform dependent and architecture neutral.
Usage To develop application softwares, mobile apps, web applications, etc. Mainly used to develop system software
Pointer Does not support explicit pointer and pointer arithmetic. Support explicit pointer and pointer arithmetic.
Multiple inheritance Does not support multiple inheritance for class but supported for interfaces. Supports multiple inheritance with the help of virtual functions.
Operator overloading, structure, union Does not support operator overloading, structure, union, etc. Support operator overloading, structure, union, etc.
GOTO Does not supports goto statement. Supports goto statement.
Runtime Uses compiler and interpreter. Uses compiler only(uses runtime of the Operating System).
Call by reference and call by value Java does not support call by reference. call by value supported only. Supports both call by value and call by reference.
Multithreading It has inbuilt threading concepts to implement. It has no inbuilt threading concept, third party library is required to implement multi threading concept.
Virtual keyword Java does not have a virtual keyword, but all the non static methods are virtual by default. It has virtual keyword to indicate if the function is to override using inheritance.
Memory Management Java has inbuilt garbage collector to destroy unused objects. It uses destructor to free the unused memory space.
Documentation comment Java support documentation comment (/** */) C++ does not support documentation comment

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